
Uncontestable Cover

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Book 1 in the Emm Zinko Ms. Adventures
Published: May 2012

On the mend from a couple of very difficult years marked by the recession, the death of her beloved father and the complete collapse of her profession, award-winning journalist Emm Zinko is trying out a new profession, as a private investigator.

Unfortunately, her first clients – victims of what may be a swindle – turn up dead and someone is trying to kill her. The man hunting her leaves a trail of carnage after he shoots at her and misses. Her home is invaded, and her dog is stolen as the prime suspect, a federally protected money launderer goes missing.

Complications swirl – a damaged homicide detective forms a strange attachment to her dog, her marijuana crop matures and she discovers her stepmother didn’t set up the trust for Emm and her brothers the way she’d promised.

Set against the backdrop of San Diego, from gorgeous beaches to a mid-city neighborhood wrapped around a canyon, to inches from Mexico – the farms and Border Patrol hunting grounds of the Tijuana River Valley.

Her superpower lies in who she knows – the neighbors who look out for her, the hackers, cops, and experts she’s befriended at work, and the networks she can tap. But will that be enough to save her when no one can figure out why Emm is a target?